
I was super shocked when I got the call that ABC 13 named me as One Of Houston’s Most Eligible Bachelorettes!  But I was very excited too!  I had a lot of questions to answer including: What would constitute a perfect day for you? I responded…. Yoga in the morning, nice brunch with friends, spa treatment, time […]

Calling all Valentine's Day haters, lovers, and in-betweeners.


Prepare for what you truly sign up for when you suggest or decide to be party to a threesome.

People in relationships have Valentine's Day and single people now have Single Awareness Day.

There was a time where it was super difficult for me to decipher who was a real friend and who wasn’t. As I’ve grown older, it’s been easier to decide what types of people I should keep in my life and who needs to be gone with the wind. The following list puts it all into perspective. […]


“If the only time I get along with you is when I’m inside of you, then we ain’t got no relationship.” ~Marlon Wayans This Saturday, I tuned into “It’s Not You, It’s Men,” hosted by Rev. Run and Tyrese. Marlon was one of the guests on the show about sex and intimacy. During his segment, […]


We celebrate Iman and Bowie's union, remembering how the love they shared -- between themselves and the world -- is still transcending and inspiring.

Nick Cannon went through a lot during his marriage to Mariah Carey, and now he doesn't think a second trip down the aisle is in his future.

After listening to the lyrics to this new song, I’ve come to the realization that this is almost as honest as it gets! Nowadays, people are making songs about cutting that b**** off or how they can do bad all by themselves. Lol It’s not often that we hear artists stripping down their walls to […]

All hopes of a Jelena reunion have come to an end, since both Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have moved on to other people.